GB Women team shot in blue GB kit. Left to right top row is Megan, Amelia and Antonia. On the front row left to right is Lois, Georgie and Sarah

This Girl Can Open

The UK’s first goalball event for women and girls

On Saturday 4th February 2023, Goalball UK will host a This Girl Can open event for female goalball players at The Factory in Longbridge.

There are 3 options for entry:

–       Individual.

–       Pairs (from the same club or of a similar playing level).

–       Team (3+ players from the same club or of a similar playing level).

Entries are now open and can be accessed via this link – This Girl Can Open – Entry Form.

Based on anticipated entries we aim to have two levels of play across the competition and Goalball UK will confirm the teams after the point of entry. Teams may be joined by other players depending upon the number of entries received.

Under 18s

If you are under 18 and entering as an individual and / or without parental or club personnel support you are required to have loco parental consent.


We would welcome club coaches attending with their players to provide coaching and table officiating support throughout the event.

Entry Fee

£5 per person. Details of how to pay will be shared on confirmation of your place after the entry deadline.

Entry Deadline

Sunday 8th January 2023

Entries are now open and can be accessed via this link – This Girl Can Open – Entry Form.