This week is Mental Health Awareness week, and at Goalball UK we recognise the importance in keeping yourself mentally healthy. Especially during these tough times we are facing.
Here is some information which may help you and your mental wellbeing.
First of all, it has been fantastic to follow so many of you on social media keeping up with physical activity throughout this period where we must stay at home.
However, it is just as important that we manage our mental health as well to the best of our ability. This unprecedented situation is a new experience for us all and some might not be able to cope as well as others.
We should remember that feelings of anxiety are normal in situations that are as irregular as this. We hope that these simple steps that might help those struggling along the way:
· Where possible, keep up your normal routine – such as going to bed/getting up at the same time as we normally would and planning your day
· Maintain regular contact with people (on the phone or video call) who you are comfortable speaking to about your mental wellbeing and can offer reassurances
· Reduce the amount spent listening to media coverage about this situation, or anything, that you find unsettling
· Draw on skills you have used in adverse situations in the past that help you manage your mental wellbeing
· As many of you are already doing, keep up the exercise and get some fresh air – in line with the government’s guidance, of course
For more advice, we recommend checking out the comprehensive guide to coronavirus and mental wellbeing put together by the charity Mind:
There are more great suggestions on this subject from the RNIB, as well as details about their services and support groups for blind and partially sighted people, here:
Finally, please remember that the staff at Goalball UK are still online and working from home. If you feel like you want a chat, please reach out.
Keep safe, Goalball Family.