Each week we are going to be saying “Hello” to another organisation in the VI world to learn more about who they are and what they do.
This week, we are chatting to Kate Renaud (Marketing Manager) from Calibre Audio.
So, Hi Kate, please can you tell us about Calibre Audio:
We are a national charity who, since 1974, have been providing audiobooks to anyone who can’t access print books – so this includes people with a visual impairment.
Membership is free. We have a library of over 12,000 unabridged books and send out around 1700 books to our members everyday. We have been even busier than usual over the past year as people have been at home more and had more leisure time. We are therefore growing our library to meet demand but also so that we have a more diverse range of books.
Members can choose how they would like to listen to our books – they can be streamed directly from our website; downloaded through the Dolphin Easy Reader App; or we can post them a memory stick.
We can make book recommendations based on what categories members like (e.g. detective novels or biographies) or members can easily search for titles in our online library. We also have a monthly podcast and regular newsletters which include details of new additions to our library as well as author interviews and a wide range of articles and useful information.
We also offer a support scheme to book groups (and offer advice to members who would like to set up a book group) and have started linking in with literature festivals. Most recently this was the Hay Festival and later this year we will be providing easy access to both the Edinburgh International Book Festival and the Cheltenham Literature Festival.
And what is your Summer of Reading Challenge?
In support of the reading together and reading for pleasure initiative from The Reading Agency and the Open University, we are challenging members to read 12 books in 12 weeks and then send us a review (either written or audio) of their favourite. Members will then be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 voucher.
The challenge officially started on Monday 14th June and runs until Sunday 5th September. Members can read any 12 books but each week we will be making a suggestion.
How can we find out more information?
You can phone us on 01296 432339 or email us.
You can also visit our website and follow us on social media: