Each week we are going to be saying “Hello” to another organisation in the VI world to learn more about who they are and what they do.
This week, we are chatting to Hannah Matthews (Peer to Peer Support Officer) from UCAN Productions.
So, Hi Hannah, please can you tell us about UCAN Productions:
UCAN stands for Unique Creative Arts Network. We are a cooperative, based in Cardiff but working across the UK, delivering free programmes to help blind and partially sighted children, young people and their friends. Through drama and performing arts, we promote and embed physical and vocal confidence which then transfers to everyday lives.
During Covid we have been holding Zoom workshops every week for 3 different age groups (Under 13’s; 13 to 18 year olds; and Over 18’s). These have worked really well so, in the future, we are planning on having a blended approach with both online and in person workshops. As well as being an opportunity to socialise and have some fun, our workshops help to build relationships, sharing lived experiences with our community and proving that visual impairment isn’t a barrier to success.
We have also recently done a #UCANDoor2Door tour driving to every corner of Wales. It was really nice to meet some of our new members in person for the first time in addition to catching up with some existing members and reminding them that we’ve not forgotten about them!
And you hold an annual UCAN performance festival?
Yes, it is a giant come together at the Wales Millennium Centre – a celebration of diversity, achievement and friendship. We had to cancel it last year but this year are hoping that it will be able to go ahead on October 27th.
The festival showcases the talents of all of the UCAN members so includes sketches, singing and movement performances for example. We also have specialised workshops such as sound production and circus skills.
How can we find out more information?
You can email us info@ucanproductions.org or visit our website.
You can also listen to our podcasts and follow us on social media: