VI Talk in a speech bubble with website address and email address belowEach week we are going to be saying “Hello” to another organisation in the VI world to learn more about who they are and what they do.

This week, we are chatting to Jo Fishwick (Chair) from VI Talk.

So, Hi Jo, please can you tell us about VI Talk:

VI Talk is a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) supporting blind and partially sighted people and their family and friends. It is also aimed at anyone who works in the field of visual impairment. We are a network for sharing ideas, information and support.

On our website we have a directory of information where you can search for details of businesses and service providers.

We also have a monthly newsletter and host two Zoom chats every week. On a Wednesday we have a general chat focusing on peer support and friendship whilst on a Monday we focus on a theme. For example, we have recently been focusing on wellbeing and had a mindfulness session whilst on June 7th we will be focusing on sport. Please come along and tell us about your goalball club and any other sports you play or would like to play.

We also have blogs and interviews on our AudioBoom channel providing real life stories. We are always happy to receive contributions so if you are interested, please get in touch.

We hope that next year we will be able to have some face to face events again as well.

And you have various Facebook groups?

Yes, we have a number of specific Facebook groups which people can join to interact with others with similar interests – asking questions, sharing information and promoting events. These include:

  • Book club
  • Travel group
  • Resources group
  • In the kitchen group
  • Arts and crafts group
  • Sports group
  • Music group
  • Gardening and nature group

How can we find out more information?

For more information you can phone us on 07512 772770 or email us. You can also visit our website and connect with us via social media:


