Want to become a #FindTheNext Goalball Academy player? Applications are open once again!
Applications are now open for the #FindTheNext Goalball Academy as we are looking to expand our team. Are you or do you know someone who:
- Aged 12 – 18-years old (if you are aged 19-20, please still apply!).
- Registered blind or partially sighted.
- Willing to be a part of an exciting journey to develop themselves on and off the goalball court.
Loving goalball is not essential but certainly helps!
In the first instance, over 6 months, you will work on developing yourself as a young adult learning the fundamental skills to become a talented athlete of the future.
To apply to become a #FindTheNext Goalball Academy player, you must:
- Complete the #FindTheNext Goalball Academy general details form
- Submit a one-minute video/audio file on why you would like to be a part of the team. The video/audio file must revolve around the following:
- What you enjoy about taking part in sport and physically activity (specifically goalball if you play it).
- The key skills you have that would make you an asset to the Goalball Academy.
- What you would be looking forward to about being involved in the Goalball Academy.
More creative, the better! Please submit the video/audio file to alex.cockerham@goalballuk.com.
This is one of the last opportunities to join the team in 2021.