Each Thursday we want to put the spotlight on a person involved with goalball – from players, officials, coaches, or anyone

This week we caught up with Charlie Brown!

What club do you play for or coach?

I play for Cambridge Dons.

Cambridge Dons group picture at a tournament.

How did you discover goalball?

Warren Wilson came to a Camsight youth group and told us about goalball – I then joined the Cambridge Dons.

Is there a particular song, artist or genre that you listen to before a tournament to get in the mood? Or anything you’re loving at the moment?

My music taste is genuinely so diverse, I can listen to pretty much anything. My playlists go from trap metal, rap, pop punk, indie pop, hyperpop and so many other genres. I’ve found loads of musicians from tiktok which has really broadened my music taste even more. The main musicians/bands I’m listening to at the moment are Cameron Sanderson, Tony22, Architects, Dropout Kings, Elko, Revenge of Paris, Noah Finnce and Sleep Token to name just a few. 

Do you have any pre-game superstitions or rituals?

Warren usually gets us all together in a group and lets us know that we’ll have a good time no matter what the game results are – it definitely helps me feel more relaxed.

Group of people stood on a platform over a river smiling to the camera.

Do you have a favourite post-match meal?

Usually just the chocolate I bring along with me and don’t finish until the car ride home, but sometimes we get McDonalds or something like that from a nearby service station.

Which goalball player do you admire the most and why?

Marcus and everyone else from the Winchester team. I met him and a few other people from Winchester a few years back at a goalball event and they’re great players and great people.

Outside of goalball, what other hobbies/sports do you do?

I play drums and my band released a song a few months ago. It just recently reached 5000 streams on Spotify, it’s called Feel Happy by Clueless. And even more recently me and my friends are just beginning to start up another music project.

 Charlie Brown selfie with his drum kit!

Finally, what place, anywhere in the world, is on your bucket list to visit and why?

I’m planning to go to a music uni in Brighton in a few years, so I guess right now, that’s where I’ve been thinking, but I also really want to go to Chicago and Maine in the US because I have online friends there that I’ve known for a while and I can’t wait to see them.

To check out the rest of the articles from our ‘Featured Thursday’ series please use the following link Goalball UK – Featured Thursday