See My Voice is a British Blind Sport project to encourage young people (14-19) with a visual impairment to participate in a year long scheme to help them access sports volunteering roles within their local community.

British Blind Sport have released details on the opportunity, saying “See My Voice is a Leadership and Volunteering programme aimed at 14-19 year olds which is to be completed before September 2022. It entails of completing a qualification created by Sports Leaders UK and ourselves called ‘Level 2 for Sport & Activity Volunteering’ which is made up of 5 tasks which can be completed at home. These tasks are built up of learning about skills and barriers in the workplace, talking about your own opportunities you have volunteered in and creating a final case study based on your learnings and what you have gained from your volunteering experience.

Alongside the qualification we ask that you complete 25 hours of volunteering in different sports organisations or in school/college. This can be in any role and we are here to help you find these opportunities local to you. The opportunities can be in any role whether that be the practical side such as coaching and refereeing, or the not so physical side in reception, accounts or social media etc.

To help with the qualification we will provide 3 webinars throughout the year (dates TBC) which will give you the information you need to complete each task. Each webinar will last 1-2 hours and will be interactive with different tasks involved as we work through them. If you cannot attend for whatever reason the webinars can be recorded and sent out to you so that you do not miss vital information. Also to complete task 4 you must be assessed by a member of our staff (Connor or Mel) delivering your own 10 – 15 minute session so we can see how much your leadership has improved which can be delivered in small groups of 2 or 3.

These sessions will be delivered on residentials which are taking place at RNC Hereford 22nd – 24th February and 12th – 14th April. It is COMPULSORY to attend at least 1 of these residentials otherwise you cannot be assessed for the qualification. On top of this the residentials will provide lots of fun sports activities throughout the 3 days you are there, giving you the chance to interact with new people, try new sports and learn new skills to put into your own leadership sports sessions”.

You can find out more and register your interest via the See My Voice Young Leader Application Form!

If there are any queries, please contact British Blind Sport on 01926 424247, or E-mail