Over the past couple of seasons, Goalball UK has seen a fantastic increase in the amount of younger players taking part in our sport. Clubs are now offering junior/youth opportunities. We had our first ‘Junior Development Day’ at the End of Season Tournament in July.
Continuing this great work, Goalball UK decided to introduce our latest goalball opportunity in the ‘Summer Camp’. Following a similar idea to our Talent Camps, players aged between 11 – 15 years old attend a residential camp at the Royal National College for the Blind. This camp allowed players to socialise with players from other clubs, develop their goalball skills over 3 days. During the sessions players were able to work with expert coaches and officials with numerous years of goalball experience.
We had an array of players from all over the country with representatives from:
Croysutt Warriors GC
Fen Tigers GC
Lancashire Lions GC
New College Worcester GC
Nottinghamshire Sheriffs GC
Scarbrough GC
West Yorkshire GC
We even had a special visit from players travelling across the border from Wales to see what goalball is all about. Goalball UK is always welcoming new players to our sport and this is no different to our latest player Mark Winder. Mark started as Goalball UK’s new CEO in March 2017 and, up until now, Mark had viewed goalball at every level but never played the game. On Tuesday afternoon his opportunity arose. Teamed up with two fantastic experienced players; Stuart from Scarborough GC and Me-Me from Lancashire Lions GC, Mark ventured onto court after a quick masterclass from his teammates and coach Dan Roper (Great Britain Men’s Goalball Player). Look out for an article about Mark’s experience in the coming weeks.
A special thanks needs to go to everyone who attended the camp and made it extra special. Thank you to all coaching staff, Emma Evans from Fen Tigers GC, Dina and Judith for their excellent refereeing skills and for our fantastic Talent and Great Britain players who offered their playing expertise tips and advice.
Goalball UK will be offering further junior and youth opportunities in the 2017/2018 season. If you would like more information please email enquiries@goalballuk.com