Club affiliation for the 2024-25 season is now open. We hope that these packages will suit the needs of current clubs and further support the development of new clubs as we look to grow the game.

The 3 packages are:

  1. Training and Competition (full); for clubs that train and compete
  2. Training only; developing clubs that do not compete currently
  3. Competition only; for teams that only want to compete in leagues and cups

Full details of the individual packages and costs can be found below.

2024-25 Affiliation Registration Form.

All affiliations will run from the date of sign up until 26th September 2025.

Full Affiliation: £125

Fully affiliated clubs must meet or be working to towards meeting the minimum standards framework with the support of Goalball UK. More information about the framework can be found on the minimum standards web page.


  • Public liability insurance cover (through Goalball UK) for registered club training sessions and Goalball UK tournaments
  • Goalball UK staff support to help develop your club
  • 2 Goalball UK DBS checks equivalent value of £30
  • Free places on the Introduction to Officiating course equivalent value of £10 per member
  • Opportunity to access Goalball UK funding opportunities
  • Option to enter Goalball UK organised and officiated leagues and cups (team and individual entry fees will still apply)
  • Immediate First Aid cover at tournaments
  • Access to Perfection Travel (Goalball UK Travel Partner)

Training Only: £75

All affiliated training clubs must meet or be working to towards meeting the minimum standards framework with the support of Goalball UK. More information about the framework can be found on the minimum standards web page.


  • Public liability insurance cover (through Goalball UK) for registered club training sessions
  • Goalball UK staff support to help develop your club
  • 2 Goalball UK DBS checks equivalent value of £30
  • Free places on the Introduction to Officiating course equivalent value of £10 per member
  • Opportunity to access Goalball UK funding opportunities
  • Access to Perfection Travel (Goalball UK Travel Partner)

Competition Only: £50


  • Option to enter Goalball UK organised and officiated leagues and cups (team and individual entry fees will still apply)
  • Free places on the Introduction to Officiating course equivalent value of £10 per person
  • Public liability insurance cover (through Goalball UK) for Goalball UK tournaments
  • Immediate First Aid cover at tournaments
  • Access to Perfection Travel (Goalball UK Travel Partner)

2024-25 Payment

Goalball UK will invoice affiliated clubs following registration for their affiliation. The prices listed above are the total full year costs.