Question: From a player. When can my club start training?
Answer: The Goalball UK guidance outlines the process for clubs to return. There is minimal disruption to the actual game play from a players point of view. As soon as your club implements the guidance they can return. Individual players are welcome to attend Goalball UK events before their club returns to training.
Question: Should we be taking the temperature of players before allowing them to join a session?
Answer: This isn’t a current requirement from Goalball UK. If your club wish to add this measure you can but consider the logistics of undertaking the check face to face and potentially less than 2m from someone. The Government in England have also issued advice here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dont-rely-on-temperature-screening-products-for-detection-of-coronavirus-covid-19-says-mhra
Question: Do you expect all players to read the guidance before they turn up and play?
Answer: It must be available for people to read before ‘opting in’ to sessions. We recommend clubs create a pre-session email or document with the key actions required from people when they return to training.
Question: Are guide dogs allowed in the hall?
Answer: Yes, we recommend only the owner and their support personnel interact with the dog.
Question: The court string is normally retained is this still the case?
Answer: Yes, people should sanitise hands before and setting up and breaking down. Disposing of string is not practical and is costly. We recommend only laying the essential lines for training e.g. not the full court.
Question: When it comes to the venue check list – what happens if you are not happy with responses – what is the next step?
Answer: Discuss with the venue if they can make adaptions, and or consider further adaptions you can take to reduce the risk in the area of concern. Ultimately if you are not satisfied you shouldn’t use the venue. Please seek Goalball UK support and advice if this situation arises.