League Winners

2023 – 2024


Region A Winners – Northern Allstars

Region B Winners – RNC Academy

Region C Winners – Cambridge Dons


North League Winners – West Yorkshire

South League Winners – Birmingham

Super League

Super League Winners – Northern Allstars


Regional Shield Winners – Cambridge Town

Intermediate Trophy Winners – RNC Academy

Goalfix Cup Winners – Northern Allstars

Top Goalscorers

2023 – 2024


Region A Male Top Goalscorer – Daniel Jenkins (West Yorkshire) 

Region A Female Top Goalscorer – Ruby Hudson (Northern Allstars)  

Region B Male Top Goalscorer – Nathan Evans (RNC Academy) 

Region B Female Top Goalscorer  – Alleah Beard-Pace (South Wales) 

Region C Male Top Goalscorer – Terrelle Iziren (Croysutt Warriors) 

Region C Male Female Top Goalscorer – Phoebe Clifton (Winchester) 

Intermediate North Male Top Goalscorer  – Rainbow Mbuangi (Mersey Sharks Alpha) 

Intermediate North Female Top Goalscorer – Chelsea Hudson (Northern Allstars) 

Intermediate South Division A Male Top Goalscorer – Conall Moore (RNC Academy) 

Intermediate South Division A Female Top Goalscorer  – Megan Smithson Booth (RNC Academy) 

Intermediate South Division B Male Top Goalscorer – Jay Stallard (RNC Hereford) 

Intermediate South Division B Female Top Goalscorer – Anna Tipton (Cambridge Town) 

Super League Male Top Goalscorer – Josh McEntee (Fenland Tigers) 

Super League Female Top Goalscorer – Meme Roberston (Queen Bees) 

Player of the Season

This award will go to a player who has been outstanding on court for their club. They may have been excellent in attack, outstanding in defence or shown fantastic leadership within their team. During the season, they may have developed their game and/or helped their club achieve success.

2023 – 2024

Georgie Bullen with her award in front of a Goalball UK banner.

Player of the Season – Georgie Bullen (Queen Bees)

Keith Lound (Service to Sport) Award

This award will go to someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty to assist in the development, facilitation and improved participation of the sport of goalball. They might have taken more responsibility, gone the extra mile, been particularly helpful and all this, very often in a quiet and unassuming way. The award can go to anyone involved in goalball; players, coaches, officials, and volunteers.

Background of Keith Lound

When Keith was involved with goalball he became very aware of what volunteers did for the sport and how the sport would not function without volunteers.  So it is particularly apt that we recognise the contribution that people like him make to the sport every year. For those who do not know about Keith: he came into goalball as a father of a player, in time he became our Chairman, he became a top referee and officiated at the Beijing Paralympics. He led the application and organisation for the Worlds in 2010.   He certainly took on more than he could have foreseen when he first came into the sport that day when he first brought his son along!

2023 – 2024

Becky Ashworth with her award in front of a Goalball UK banner.

Keith Lound (Service to Sport) Award – Becky Ashworth